Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Kevin and Barbora Get Married!

Kevin and Barbora were married on December 10, 2011 at the Napajedla Castle in the Czech Republic. The castle was built between 1764-1769.
Of course the setting was beautiful but the best part of it all was the special blessing of being there to witness it all.
Below are just a few of the many pictures that were taken.
Elder Hrncrik, full-time missionary and recently released Branch President, performed part of the ceremony.
President Snajdar, recently called Branch President performed the marriage.
Sisters, Kim and Heather, congratulating the bride and groom.
Outside the castle after the wedding.
The tradition of wearing yokes
symbolizes becoming one.
The tradition of sweeping up the broken plate
symbolizes cooperation and harmony.
The tradition of feeding each other soup
symbolizes cooperation.
The large cloth tied around them symbolizes unity.
Barbora's grandmother made the wedding cakes.
Barbora's parents, Barbora and Petr.
Kevin's parents, Brenda and Steve.

The happy couple, Kevin and Barbora Jones!
Jones family in attendance.
Family and friends.
This picture and the following were all taken in the castle.
The photographer did an excellent job. We love them all.