Sunday, March 30, 2008


More cute pictures of the girls.

Learning to eat solid food.

Kiera is learning how to eat solid food now. She thinks it's lots of fun even though most of the food ends up on her face and hands.

Sleeping Beauty!

Last weekend we went to see Heather, Jeff, Janae and Kiera. While we were there Janae fell asleep on the couch. I thought she looked so precious that I just had to take a couple of pictures.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Chapter 2: Date Night With Dad!

This evening Dad decided to relive his exciting morning by doing a "re-enactment" of his "vein leak" scene! (see Chapter 1 below)

We had decided to go to the Home and Garden Show. So Dad put on his shoes and as he walked across the floor he looked down and again his pant leg was soaked with blood. He grabbed his leg and I ran for some towels and first aid supplies. We applied pressure but to no avail....the blood kept coming. We wrapped it up tight, without moving the pant leg in hopes that we could slow it down. As you can see by the pictures it just kept dripping (yes, I do have a sick sense of humor but I read somewhere that you heal faster when you laugh).

We decided to call 911 so the paramedics could help stop the bleeding and we could get to the hospital. A few minutes later an ambulance with 2 EMT's and a fire truck with 4 Firemen/EMT's arrived at our door. They came in and started asking all of the usual questions: how old are you, what's your date of birth, what's your name, what's your phone number, what's your social security number....wait! are they signing him up for a credit card?.... In a minute they printed out a little arm band with all of this information on it except for the social security number. At least they keep some things confidential! One of the EMT's started unwrapping our homemade compression bandage (which obviously wasn't very good, back to first aid class for us) and when he got to the pant leg the blood started dripping faster. Dad told them they could cut his jeans so they got out a pair of sissors that wouldn't cut through the fabric. I offered to let them use a pair of ours but they were determined to get theirs to work. Finally, there was success the sissors started cutting. As the EMT folded back the jeans the blood started streaming out across the floor. He put the jeans back over the vein to slow down the stream and then quickly applied pressure. After a few minutes they were able to stop it enough that they could start wrapping it up.

During this time they decided that they would take Dad via the ambulance to the hospital so that we wouldn't have blood all over the van by the time we got there. So 2 of the EMT's went to get the gurney. As they were coming back in the house they rolled through the mud which then was wipped off as they rolled over the carpet on the way to the kitchen (oh well). They helped Dad up off of the floor and strapped him onto the gurney, covered him up with a blanket all the way up over his head....wait!.... Oh, it's raining outside and they don't want his glasses to get wet. They loaded him up into the ambulance and I did what any normal person would do, I ran for the camera. I snapped a picture of the ambulance as it was driving away. I then hurried to wipe up the floor before the blood dried. It was then that I noticed that there was a trail of blood all the way from the chair that Dad was sitting in when he put on his shoes to the kitchen where he noticed that he was bleeding. Oh well, the carpet needed cleaning anyway...

When I got to the hospital I had to wait about 10 minutes before they would take me to see Dad. He was all settled into his own room waiting to see the doctor. You'll notice that he is sticking his tongue out at me in the "before" picture.

After the doctor had asked Dad about the history of his leg he started unwrapping the bandage to take a look. He was sure that the bleeding had stopped by now, but when he uncovered the vein it sprayed across the bed and Dad's shoe and onto the floor. The doctor actually thought it was kind of fun. He kept lifting up the bandaid to watch it spray. Eventually he started trying to stop the bleeding but determined the only way he was going to do that was to stitch it up. First he gave Dad several shots around the area to constrict the vein and numb the leg. Then he was able put in the stitches. While he was working Dad was telling him about my sick sense of humor and that I had actually brought a camera to the hospital to take pictures. The doctor looked up and said "ohhh, we should have taken a picture of the blood spraying out". It was then that he had me take a picture of Dad's shoe with the blood on it and of the stitches he had put in Dad's leg. So, I'm not the only one who has a sick sense of humor!

After the doctor was finished and the nurse had put several layers of bandage on his leg I took the "after" picture. The nurse even thought it was a fun idea to be taking pictures. After we were released and walking to the van I snapped one last picture. As you can see they had cut off the pant leg so Dad wouldn't have to walk out the door with blood soaked pants.

While this wasn't one of the most fun dates that Dad and I have been on, it will be one of the most memorable.

Chapter 1: An Exciting Morning for Dad!

This morning Dad decided to scare everyone at Territorial by walking out of his office with a blood soaked pant leg. Yes, he sprung a vein leak at work. By the time he noticed what was happening the blood had soaked through his sock and jeans and was running down onto his shoe. Arleen, the secretary/school nurse, gasped and looked at his leg in horror. Dad immediately grabbed his leg and Arleen ran for the bandaids and gloves. By this time Dad had blood all over his hands. They decided that they would have to move his pant leg to stop the bleeding. Dad tried to warn Arleen but as they lifted the pant leg out of the way, yes, the blood sprayed right past her nearly hitting her in the shoulder and spraying all over the floor. They moved quickly to put pressure on the "leak" using cotton pads and gause but as Arleen was reaching for more and more cotton to soak up the blood she determined that she should call 911. So.... about 2 minutes later the EMT's came racing up the driveway with their lights flashing, followed by an Incident Commander in a truck, followed by an ambulence. Now panic has set in from the students and teachers who can see the parade of emergency vehicles coming up the driveway. Soon the rest of the staff and all of the visiting parents heard the comotion and came to see what was going on. To try stop the panic Arleen got on to the intercom and announced "everything's okay, Mr. Jones just needs a really big bandaid". The EMT's came to the rescue and quickly assessed the situation. They told him that they would have to stop the bleeding by putting on a compression bandage and then they would start cleaning up the blood. It was then that Dad realized that one of the EMT's was a former Junction City High School student. She was embarrased because she had to ask Dad how old he was. He tried to tell her that he was 29 but the other E MT said "not with this leg" (ha, ha) so he had to give up his real age. Arleen then took Dad's shoe to clean off the blood. She did a pretty good job but you can still see the blood in the creases and soaked into the stitches. The EMT's tried to get Dad to go to the hospital but he said he was okay and there was nothing they could do there other than send him to a specialist which he has already gone to and in fact already has a surgery scheduled. So they packed their things up and left. Arleen called the High School to let them know what had happened. The High School told Dad to go home, in other words, we don't want to see your blood soaked pants over here. So Dad called me gave me the scoop and said he was on his way to pick me up (we car pooled today) so I could take him home. So here we are, Dad is sitting in the recliner with his leg up and I am at the computer. I have to go back to work and Dad is already talkin g about going golfing this afternoon. Just thought I would share another day in the life of your parents......