Sunday, April 11, 2010

Easter at Grandma and Papa's House

Hannah and Cooper checking out their Easter Baskets.

New Easter Skirts! Janae picked out the fabric and Heather made the skirts.

Kiera and Janae with their baskets.

Group Picture......Adorable!

Next time we try to take group pictures I'm going to try to remember to have someone taking video at the same time just to document everything that goes on behind the scenes when we are trying to get all the kids to look at the camera at the same time. Just imagine (which isn't hard because you have probably experienced this before) all of the adults arranging kids, fixing clothes and then running behind the camera and making noises and clapping hands trying to get all the kids to look at them, keep their hands off of their faces and smile.....all at the same time. Janae was great, she was ready for every click of the camera. The funniest part of these pictures was when Andrea stepped in to move Cooper closer to the girls (for a more balanced picture)and as soon as she backed up Cooper started scooting away (no girl germs for him) so this was the best we could do. After every one of these "photo shoots" I tell myself I need to take a photography class so that even if the kids don't cooperate (wiggle, giggle and move) the pictures will still turn out.

Decorating Easter Cookies

We decorated cookies during the morning session of General Conference to help keep us quiet while we listened to the speakers.

Egg Hunt

It started to sprinkle just as the egg hunt started but the kids still had lots of fun.

More Easter Pictures

Cooper trying to get as close as he could to his Easter candy.

Hannah in her Easter dress.

Dying Easter Eggs