It was a wonderful and sad day when Kevin left for the MTC. We were so happy for him and excited for the experiences that he would have yet sad that it would be two years before we would see him again. We know he made the right choice to serve the Lord for these two years and know that he will touch the lives of many people in the Czech Republic for good. We love him and will miss him, his hugs, phone calls, and especially his teasing but look forward to reading his letters/emails about his missionary service and of course look forward to his holiday phone calls. He was really excited to leave and get started. He has a strong testimony of the gospel and is ready to share it with others in his mission area.
To help distract myself I took pictures. They aren't great because I was looking through tear filled eyes and not remembering to adjust for the light, etc. This is a picture of Kevin and Steve as we were walking into the Eugene Airport.
Kevin and Mom
Kevin and Dad
The last picture I could get of Kevin behind the security gate.
Kevin started a mission blog, which is now my assignment to keep updated, the link is on the right side of the screen. His address is posted and as I receive letters and emails I will post them here also. Please feel free to send him letters, I know that he will love to hear from you.